Oral surgery surgically treats diseases and defects of the teeth, bones, and gums. At Bruno Negri Integral Dental Clinic we are specialists in all types of surgical interventions, such as implant surgery, periodontal surgery, recession coverage, bone regeneration, wisdom teeth, maxillary sinus lift, among others.
Implant surgeries can be performed on one or multiple implants, an entire arch, or even the entire mouth, using a procedure called “immediate loading.” Gum surgery and periodontal surgery consists of remodeling the tissue to correct the retraction of the gums and improve the aesthetic appearance of the mouth, solving problems of neck cavities, brushing and sensitivity. Bone regeneration and maxillary sinus lift surgery are usually linked to the placement of implants, for the improvement of the bone substrates where the implants have to be integrated later.
Some of the other most common interventions are the extraction of wisdom teeth or teeth that are born incorrectly or poorly positioned and remain retained. Most patients report pain when these pieces are errupting. For this reason, it is convenient to extract these pieces to avoid any discomfort for the patient, potential appearance of cystic lesions, dental crowding and other subsequent problems.
All oral surgeries are performed with very effective and long-lasting anesthesia, to prevent the patient from having any discomfort during the treatment. We use state-of-the-art technology and guarantee comfort and tranquility in all of your visits to Bruno Negri Integral Dental Clinic, with fully personalized attention and the highest quality of care. We carefully monitor each surgical intervention.
Prior to all treatments that require an intervention of this type, we carry out a complete and rigorous study of the case, with X-rays, 3D dental CT, digital impressions and photos. Dr. Bruno Negri has 20 years of experience as a surgeon, as well as in aesthetics dentistry, prosthetics, periodontics and oral rehabilitation, carrying out top-quality treatments with the latest technologies.