Dental cleaning not only improves your aesthetics, it improves your health. Although we do our teeth cleaning at home with a brush and dental floss every day, for a deep dental cleaning we must go to a professional center, such as Bruno Negri Integral Dental Clinic, where we use the most advanced technology to perform a complete oral cleaning.
The cleaning of teeth and gums is necessary for the prevention of oral health problems such as cav ities, halitosis or other types of pathologies: gingivitis, periodontitis, dental mobility, etc. For this reason, we recommend performing two oral cleanings a year to maintain a clean and healthy mouth.
A complete dental prophylaxis is carried out in the clinic using specific instruments. First, a basic periodontal examination is performed and then ultrasound devices, dental prophylaxis brushes with polishing pastes, chlorhexidine and topical fluoride, periodontal curettes, as well as air polishers are used. Ultrasound dental cleaning makes it easy for bacterial plaque to come off, chlorhexidine prevents the reproduction of bacteria and acts as a disinfectant and antibacterial; the application of air polishers removes stains and plaque residues. Professional gum cleaning is essential to prevent gum diseases such as periodontitis or gingivitis.
This treatment generates excellent results and achieves a complete cleaning of your mouth. Dental cleaning does not hurt, if the patient has dental sensitivity local anesthesia is used, allowing the patient to enjoy a clean and healthier mouth.